Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Twitter Terminology

once I started using Twitter, and now Google+, I noticed it used words and symbols I never used before. Heres an explanation of some of the more commonly used terms!

Tweet: The act of posting a message on Twitter
Retweet: . The act of forwarding another user's Tweet to all of your followers.
@: When a username is preceded by the @ sign, it becomes a link to a Twitter profile.
# (hastag) : used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet.
+1: implies that you agree with the previous or referenced comment. It is the Google+ way that you would "like" something on Facebook.

Twitter gives you a full definition of other commonly used terms here:

Google +

Being that I am new to Google+ I'm not quite sure of all of its features. I had been invited to it some time ago by one of my friends and I just didn't accept it. Now that I have and I added him to my "friends" circle, I have browsed his page and realized it is very similar to Facebook. Its like Facebook but enhanced. The main thing I noticed is the circles you can categorize friends into. Also, when you post something you can choose which "circle" you want to share it with. I think it will take some time of getting use to but I can see myself using this in the future!

Facebook and Twitter Security

Facebook and Twitter have lots of personal and private information you would hate if it became public. There is now a way to secure these sites. It is actually quite easy. After watching this video (, it explains to us it as as simple as just adding an "s" after http:// it would look like this https://. It ensure that the communication between you and the web server is private. With Twitter you can apply the same rule. You would just add an "s" to the http:// to improve security.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

MacBook Air

The New MacBook Air designed by Apple is by far the thinnest laptop I have ever seen. Seeing that I personally own a MacBook Pro I already am a fan of Mac computers. After reading up on the MacBook Air I definitely am considering that to be my next purchase. The computer its self is less than an inch thin. If I hadn't read the article I would think, because of the size, I would be compromising on some of the features that Apple is known for. However, that isn't even close to whats going on. The QWERTY keyboard that lights up is definitely a huge plus. I know everyone has had those nights where there roommate is fast asleep, yet you are still up trying to write a paper. With this light up keyboard feature that is no problem! The battery life on this notebook is also something to brag about. Theres 5 hours of battery life on the 11 inch and 7 hours of life on the 13 inch. It also goes on standby mode once the computer has been asleep for an hour. You can easily go back to it and it will turn right back on like you were using it the whole time! Overall this notebook is something that any person should have. Its light weight, durable, and also easy to use! I highly recommend a Mac to anyone, and after reading up on the MacBook Air, that will be the one I will be recommending! 

MacBook Air